Misdemeanors Defense Attorney

If you’ve been charged with a misdemeanor it may be tempting to simply accept the public defender or even represent yourself. Although the charges aren’t as serious as a felony charge, a misdemeanor conviction results in a criminal record. You need a criminal defense attorney defending you. Mark A. Chmelewski is that attorney.

A Mainstay in Local Criminal Justice

Since entering the legal profession in 1990, Attorney Mark A. Chmelewski has focused the majority of his career on the criminal justice system in Central Washington, and he has earned a Certificate of Appreciation from the Washington State Bar Association Executive Committee’s Criminal Law section, as well as other honors.

With a focus on criminal defense, including misdemeanors, felonies, and traffic violations, he also has several years experience serving as a prosecuting attorney in the area. For Kittitas County, he was a deputy prosecuting attorney for five years, and spent eight years as the prosecuting attorney for the city of Cle Elum. He received further judicial education beyond law school at the highly regarded National Judicial College in Reno, Nevada and spent ten years as a municipal court judge in Kittitas County. While he remains active serving the legal community at large, since opening his private law practice in 1996, Mark has been committed to serving Kittitas (Ellensburg or Cle Elum) , Grant (Ephrata or Moses Lake) , Yakima, Chelan and Douglas Counties in a variety of legal matters involving everything from traffic violations to felonies. No matter what charges you are facing, you deserve an attorney who is ready to make sure you get the due process and defense you deserve.

What a Gross Misdemeanor or Misdemeanor Charge Means

No crime is too small to warrant proper representation. In Washington State, a misdemeanor charge carries a sentence of up to 90 days in jail and a base fine of up to $1000. Examples on misdemeanor crimes include shoplifting, disorderly conduct, malicious mischief, trespassing, and vandalism. Misdemeanor arrests may happen due to a misunderstanding or a momentary lapse of judgment. Either way, you deserve an excellent defense.

Gross Misdemeanors in Washington

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and assault are all examples of crimes that are often classified as Gross Misdemeanors. Penalties for these crimes are more severe than they are for misdemeanors, but carry fewer consequences than a felony charge. Fines for these crimes can reach $5,000 and jail time can run close to a year.

If you are convicted of either misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor you may also receive probation, which can have various restrictions, such as not being permitted to drink alcohol, drive, own a gun, or have contact with other parties involved in the crime. Misdemeanor probation can sometimes last up to two years or in some cases even longer.

In some cases, it may be possible to negotiate a plea bargain on a felony charge and reduce it to a gross misdemeanor. This is beneficial because misdemeanors, including gross misdemeanors can sometimes be expunged, sentences are served in the county jail instead of prison, and civil rights, such as voting rights are not jeopardized when convicted of a lesser charge.

If you’ve been charged with any crime in Central Washington, Attorney Mark A. Chmelewski can offer a free consultation that will help you figure out your rights and options. Your freedom is on the line; get the excellent defense you need.

Regularly representing clients in Kittitas, Yakima, Grant, Chelan and Douglas Counties.