Drug Possession Lawyer

Despite law changes taking place in the State of Washington, individuals convicted of drug possession continue to receive harsh sentences. If you’re facing drug charges, you need the assistance of a qualified attorney. Attorney Mark A. Chmelewski is available to offer his education, training, and experience to clients living in Central Washington.

Washington Misdemeanor VUCSA Crimes: While possession of less than one ounce of marijuana is legal in Washington state for adults, possession of more than one ounce but less than 40 grams is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. Possession of any marijuana by a person under age 21 is also unlawful. A person under age 21 in possession of less than 40 grams of marijuana faces a misdemeanor charge. Possession of more than 40 grams of marijuana is a class C felony. For people under age 21 convicted of possession of less than 40 grams of marijuana there is an additional penalty of a 1 year driver’s license revocation.

In Washington State, drug offenses are considered to be a Violation of the Uniform Controlled Substance Act (VUCSA). Common VUCSA charges include possession, distribution, and the manufacture of controlled substances. Controlled substances can be illegal drugs as well as prescription drugs.

The Long-Term Implications Of Drug Possession Conviction

If you’re found guilty of drug possession, you could face anything from a hefty fine to days, weeks or even months in jail. These consequences only become more severe if you’ve already been convicted with possession in the past. The type of drug and the amount in your possession at the time of arrest is used to determine the charges against you.

Unfortunately, drug conviction can have a negative impact on many facets of your daily life, extending far beyond the courtroom. Despite the presence of equal opportunity laws, many employers are reluctant to hire applicants with drug-related misdemeanors or felonies on their records. What’s more, Realtors often refuse housing to applicants with possession charges, as they are unwilling to face the risk of illegal drug use taking place on their property. If you’re currently facing drug-related charges, it’s in your best interest to contact an attorney capable of protecting and defending your rights to minimize the potential future impact of your current legal issues.

Attorney Mark Chmelewski: Excellent Service In And Out Of The Courtroom

Whether you’ve been accused of possession involving marijuana, narcotics or any other illegal substance, Mark A. Chmelewski is both willing and able to work with you to ensure the best outcome possible. He’ll gather evidence or, if you choose to plead guilty, he can negotiate for a more lenient sentence than you might otherwise receive. Never judgmental, Mark A. Chmelewski will listen to your concerns and offer excellent feedback and options for your case. You owe it to yourself to find a understanding and highly qualified legal advocate who will work tirelessly to ensure that your life is not destroyed by possession charges — attorney Mark A. Chmelewski is just that attorney.

Regularly representing clients in Kittitas, Yakima, Grant, Chelan and Douglas Counties.